Wednesday 24th June 2020


There are many different types of sign language for the letters of the alphabet and words. See if you can join in with these signs as you sing along…

For today’s phonics let’s have a go at reading the captions. Read the first sentence and talk about what makes it a good sentence (capital letter, finger spaces, question mark). 

Now read the caption below and remember our new tricky bug words there and were. There is something missing from this sentence. Can you spot the mistake? (no capital letter). Could you also add a describing word for the bugs? 

Now read this final caption and see if you can spot some different mistakes (no finger space or full stop). 


This week we are going to focus on telling the time and understanding the sequence of time. Lets begin with a song called What time is it? 

The first thing we can do is have a chat about time. What do you know already about time? You might remember learning about time in our blog posts for home learning a while back. 

How do we know what time it is? 

What if we didn’t have any clocks or watches… how would we know what time it was then? 

At school we use a visual time table to help us know what order we do things in and this can help us know what the time is. Have a chat about the activities we complete in the mornings before lunch and then what we do after lunch. 

If you are at home then do you have a morning routine? It may include brushing teeth, getting changed, having breakfast, reading, going for a walk or playing in your garden. 

As you are talking about your day, think about what language you are using. You might say first, next, after that, later on. 

Have a go at sequencing a particular part of your day. You could draw it like a story map or stick pictures down in a row.