Phonics Play

Here are the details for the website Phonics Play that I talked about this morning.

The website can be found here

For free access during lock down use the following

user name: jan21

password: home

All of the games give options to pick levels from different phases – see below for more information.

Phase 3 covers the sounds that the children would have been focusing on in Foundation and links to our Red phonics reader books.

Phase 4 would also have been covered at the end of Foundation. In this phase children learn to blend two or three adjacent consonants at the beginning, middle and end of words. It is a good phase to revisit and links to our Yellow and Blue phonic reader books.

Phase 5 is taught throughout year 1 and into the start of year 2. This is where children learn different ways spell the same sound. This links to our Green, Orange and Turquoise phonic reader.