Tuesday 12th January

Good Morning!

Here are the things we would like you to do today. Remember that today you will have to watch the phonics video rather than join us in the classroom but I look forward to catching up with you at 1.45 using the Google Meet link. Today I will read you a story after we have had a quick chat about the English that you will have done in the morning.

I have added instructions on how to make your screen show everyone (a couple of posts down). When I am teaching do please pin me on your screen so that I am big and the children can see what I am doing. To go back to the grid just unpin me by clicking on the pin again.

Cuppa and a catch up 11.30

Don’t forget there is a short session just for parents and carers this morning. This is just for adults and will give you the opportunity to ask any questions, have a catch up and share how it is going. It is not compulsory but it would be lovely to see you if you can join. The google meet invite is different to the one you have been using for the live teaching sessions and can be found on the letter that was in your child’s learning pack.


One of our favourite traditional tales is Rapunzel.  Do you know the story?  You may have a copy of this story at home that you could read, if not then please do watch the video below. 

 How many of the key features of traditional tales did you notice?  Please record your work on this sheet or write the answers in your red book.  If you do it on the sheet please trim the sheet so that it fits neatly onto one page of your red book.


Please watch Lesson 7 of the Year 1 Lessons where you will learn another way of spelling the long o sound- ow as in snow.



Here's how the modes we listen to music have changed over the years

How have people’s lives changed in living memory?

This half term we will be following a series of lessons that explore the ways in which life has changed over  the last 60 years.  I am sure they will bring back a few memories for all of you parents too.  The lessons are provided by “Oak Academy” and are led by teachers.  

Today I would like you to look at Lesson 1.  In this lesson, we will learn about some of the ways in which popular music has changed over the last 60 years. We will learn how the ways in which people listen to music has changed over time and will look more closely at cassettes and CDs. We will then listen to some songs from singers and groups from the 1960s to 1980s. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil.

Afterwards maybe you could ask your parents and grandparents what popular music they enjoyed listening to when they were younger!

Please click on the link below to start the lesson



Tomorrow there will be an experiment to try at home.  You will need to get ready  some twigs or a piece of wood, a plastic bag or a plastic cup, a glass cup, cardboard or paper, and a pair of socks or piece of fabric.  If you don’t have these materials, you can just watch the experiment in the lesson.

Some of Monday’s home learning!

It was great to see you all twice today! Here are a few photos from today’s home learning. When we met this afternoon I really enjoyed seeing your lovely castles and how great you were at using a number line to answer the maths questions.

Monday January 11th

Good morning everyone I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend.

This week we will be introducing virtual phonics sessions at 11 am for your child to join from home using the same Google Meet link as you used on Friday afternoon. Your child will need their white board and pen.

This will be the first time that I will have taught you and the children in school at the same time! As this is the first session like this it will be quite short and snappy!

Please note that the there will no longer be a live phonics lesson on a Tuesday – this is a change to the information that was sent home. This is due to complicated time tabling issues back at school.

In today’s afternoon catch up session, I will be asking you how your maths went this morning. You will need your number line, whiteboard and pen from your pack. In our virtual sessions if you want to make me big so that I fill the whole of your screen hover over me and click on the pin symbol. When you want to go back to seeing everyone else click on the pin again.

There is also a lovely art activity to fit in to your day – have fun!

Have fun!

Mrs Keys x


Today we are going to be adding by counting on.

You will need a selection of small objects ie. lego bricks or pasta etc. Maths no problem work book 1A and your white board and pen.

To start can you create a group of 8 of your objects that look like the 8 buns below. Then you are going to add 3 more. How can we do this? What is the next way to count on? Should we start at 1? Which is the biggest number? Can we hold a number in our head? Add your 3 more counting on from 8. The images below should match what you do at home.

Now try these by creating a group of objects and then counting on to add the rest. You can also try using your number line.

12+2= 7+4= 12+2= 2+9= 4+15=

Don’t forget to start with the biggest number.

Now have a go at page 119-120 in your work book 1A. Addition and Subtraction within 20. Remember to start counting from the biggest number and try not to start at 1.

This is what the pages look like in your work book!

Finally at some point this week have a go at this game to help consolidate your learning.


Start with level 2 and challenge yourself with 4 or 5. Remember to count on from the big number. If you start in relaxed mode you could use your fingers, a number line or objects to count on with.


Today we are learning the sound y as in fly. You will be able to join phonics in class at 11am. Just use the link for Google Meet you were sent last week. You’ll need your whiteboard and pen. We can’t wait to see you!

For those of you who are unable to make the Google Meet at 11.00 please do watch the Letters and Sounds video. Today you need to watch Spring Term Year 1 Lessons – Lesson 6



Many traditional tales have castles or towers in them as the setting. For art today we’d like you to draw a picture of a castle. You could follow the step-by-step instructions below or create your own drawing inspired by an illustration from a book or your own imagination!

** Note: you will need some cardboard tubes (kitchen roll tubes are perfect) and boxes for next week’s art activity! (cereal box- size or smaller is fine)

Lovely to see you all!

It was such a treat to see you all today! I think you did a fantastic job learning how to turn the microphone on and off. These things will get easier and easier as we go along and get used to working in this way.

Grown ups, next week we will be having two live sessions a day. The phonics session at 11am and the catch up one, like today at 1.45. Live sessions will be at least ten minutes and no longer than 30 minutes. Thank you so much for sending photos of your work in and well done everyone for getting your numbers round the right way!

Friday January 8th

This week has been really busy at school and I am excited about all the live teaching that will be happening soon, it will feel like we are all back together again! The first Google Meet is this afternoon at 1.45pm. A letter with more information and the link to the meeting should be on the way to your grown up at some point this morning. During this first session I will be helping you learn how to use Google Meet ready for when you start having live lessons next week. Below is a lovely poster that will help you know what is expected from you when we are learning using Google Meet. With a grown up, have a look at it and talk about all the rules. I will teach you all about the mute button when we meet this afternoon. Please make sure that you are ready and have joined the meeting 5 minutes before it starts so we are already. It would also be a good idea to make sure you have been to the toilet before it starts as I don’t want you to miss anything. All you need for this afternoon is yourself, so don’t worry about having any pens or books near you. I am so excited!!!


Today is lesson 4  on You Tube. We are learning that ‘oe’ and ‘ou’ can make the oa sound as in toe and shoulder. Please watch and join in.

Now play a dice game rolling the dice and reading an oe word each time.

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Last term we learnt how to use part part whole to help with our maths. Please watch the video below to remind yourself – it will really help your grown up understand too! At the very end of the video the teacher asks you to do two tasks – don’t worry about doing those.

This week you have been working on teen numbers. In your red book please draw a part part whole diagram for all of those numbers. We would like you to partition (split) the number into a ten and ones. So the first part will always have 10 in it. You can use the whole page – do draw them on the blank part of the page and over the top of the lined part. I have started doing mine – here is a photo just in case you are not sure what to do.

You need to try and fit all of them on one page please and remember to write your numbers the right way! In teen numbers the 1 always comes first! Use the number line in your pack to help you get them right. Please use a pencil to write with not pen. We would like you to work as neatly as you would in school please.

I have started doing mine – here is a photo just in case you are not sure what to do.

Grown ups – some children may need you to draw the part part whole circles for them.

Thursday 7th January

Can’t wait to talk to you!

Tomorrow at 1.45 I will be inviting you all to a Goggle Meet! An invite and instructions for grown ups will be sent from the office later today. In our meeting I will help show you how to use Google Meet to talk to me and also listen to your friends.

Message for the grown ups

Next week we will start using Google Meet for some of our sessions and tomorrow I will share the times with you on this blog. The office will email out the invite link to you, this will be the link you will use for all of the sessions. We will also send out some instructions and top tips! I am pretty sure that this will get slicker as time goes on and apologise in advance for the inevitable technological issues that may arise when we start! I am so excited to be able to have your children back in the classroom albeit virtually and I can’t wait to catch up with them tomorrow.


Today is lesson 3  on You Tube. We are learning that ‘ew’ can make the yoo and oo sounds as in new and chew. Please watch and join in. 

Can you write a sentence with ew words to accompany the pictures 


Please watch the video below and complete the worksheet.  Next week you will be using your Maths no problem books which will be in your home learning packs. Hopefully you will all be able to down load it today!


As you discovered yesterday we are going to be learning about traditional tales. These often have lots of things in common. Today we would like you to look at the stories on the slides below and see if you recognise them all. Then you need to see if you can sort them and answer the questions. You could just talk them through with an adult, you could print one question off and cut and stick the stories or you could think of your own way to record your answers. 

Can you think of any other stories which might fit?