Thursday 7th January

Can’t wait to talk to you!

Tomorrow at 1.45 I will be inviting you all to a Goggle Meet! An invite and instructions for grown ups will be sent from the office later today. In our meeting I will help show you how to use Google Meet to talk to me and also listen to your friends.

Message for the grown ups

Next week we will start using Google Meet for some of our sessions and tomorrow I will share the times with you on this blog. The office will email out the invite link to you, this will be the link you will use for all of the sessions. We will also send out some instructions and top tips! I am pretty sure that this will get slicker as time goes on and apologise in advance for the inevitable technological issues that may arise when we start! I am so excited to be able to have your children back in the classroom albeit virtually and I can’t wait to catch up with them tomorrow.


Today is lesson 3  on You Tube. We are learning that ‘ew’ can make the yoo and oo sounds as in new and chew. Please watch and join in. 

Can you write a sentence with ew words to accompany the pictures 


Please watch the video below and complete the worksheet.  Next week you will be using your Maths no problem books which will be in your home learning packs. Hopefully you will all be able to down load it today!


As you discovered yesterday we are going to be learning about traditional tales. These often have lots of things in common. Today we would like you to look at the stories on the slides below and see if you recognise them all. Then you need to see if you can sort them and answer the questions. You could just talk them through with an adult, you could print one question off and cut and stick the stories or you could think of your own way to record your answers. 

Can you think of any other stories which might fit?