Our week: 8th October

It’s been great to see so many of you over the past couple of evenings for parent consultations. We have had a lovely week in school. We have started learning about traditional tales this week and have enjoyed sharing some in class. We have enjoyed talking about what makes a traditional tale and spotting the features in the stories that we have shared together. You might like to share the story of Baba Yaga that we have been looking at in class as there are lots of different versions. You can see the story below.

In maths we have continued to look at the different ways numbers are composed and represent this using different ways such as part part whole and dienes. We have also been looking at number sequences such as the ones below. We have looked at whether numbers are going forwards or backwards and by how much so that we can work out the next numbers in the sequence.

We have also been spotting patterns when counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.

We have really enjoyed creating artwork ready for display in school. We have painted sunset backgrounds using watercolours and then sketched structures from around the world ready to stick on the background.

We have really enjoyed our PE time this term. We’ve been outdoors practising our ball-skills with Mr Senior. This week we were improving our basketball skills and teamwork. On Fridays we have been using the apparatus to practise balancing, climbing and jumping skills. 

Our Week 1st October

Wow, it is October already and we are a month into Year 2 already! The weather is changing and there are definite signs of Autumn in the air. 

We have continued to look at Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers in our writing. We have been considering how we are all different and how this makes the world a more interesting place. We have also looked at diversity within the animal world. We used pictures from the book to write sentences about what the people are doing. We have focused on using adjectives to add description to make our writing more interesting and informative.

We also enjoyed sorting some of the animals in the book into Venn Diagrams. We loved talking about the different animals and thinking about how they are similar and different.

Next week we are looking forward to reading some Traditional Tales and starting to consider what makes them a traditional story.

In maths we have continued to look at the place value of digits and also discussed how to use the greater than and less than symbols to order numbers. You might want to watch this video that we watched in class about how to use the symbols. You might like to play this game: https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/574/Comparing-Numbers-using-Dienes

In art we have continued to look at buildings and structures – this week we focussed on the Colosseum and enjoyed spotting the shapes we could use to help us reproduce our own versions. We also looked at Europe and where this was located on a map.

We have continued to learn some new songs and find the pulse and beat in them. You might want to share this with your adults at home – penguins 

Thank you to everyone who worked so hard on their homework, we were so impressed with the work you have done, keep it up!

24th Sept 2021

We’re at the end of another week! How quickly time flies when you’re having fun! 

We’re really enjoying our music lessons with Mr Baker. We learnt about body percussion and listened to some of the classic, ‘We Will Rock You’ by Queen. We have also been learning some other songs throughout the week in class. You might like to practise this song at home too or teach it to someone you live with: https://vimeo.com/508398322 

In maths we have been using dienes to show and partition numbers into tens and ones. 

We have been comparing numbers using the equals, more than and less than symbols: 

The dots represent the numbers being more or less to help show which sign is which. 

You might like to play this game: https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/574/Comparing-Numbers-using-Dienes

We have also used a game called hit the button to help practise some of our times tables. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button 

In literacy we have been continuing to read ‘Here We Are’ by Oliver Jeffers.You might want to listen to this book which is by the same author: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hipx6HJs4XQ

We’ve sent home some different spelling methods which the children may use to learn their spelling target words (these have been sent home so you can see some of the words the children will be learning next week). 

We’re also sending a yellow home learning book home on Fridays with a challenge in. Please can these be returned by the following Wednesday and feel free to speak with one of us on the gate if you have any questions. 

We hope you have a wonderful weekend. We can’t wait to see you on Monday! 

Our Week 17.9.21

It is Friday already! I can’t believe how quickly the past week has gone, it seems to have flown by! 

Over the past week we have been looking at the book ‘The Story Machine’ by Tom McLaughlin, we have really enjoyed exploring the book and finding out about what a typewriter is. 

If you want to listen and share the story at home, you can listen to the author Tom read it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXVqCCeCPAU (adults, please check the video first as there may be external comments or enabled links to other videos/ adverts etc.).

In maths we have been partitioning and exploring different ways we can make a number using different resources such as dienes (blocks made up of tens and ones) to physically form these numbers and partition them to form equations. For example, we explored how the number 64 has 6 tens and 4 ones but we could also partition this number into 4 tens, 2 tens and 4 ones. 

I am looking forward to next week and starting our new text ‘Here We Are’ and to share all our learning. I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Our week 10.9.21

Welcome to Year 2! We have been enjoying getting to know the children and they have all settled really well.

We have been exploring number bonds to 10 and 20 and seeing how many different ways we can show this. The children have enjoyed showing us what they know. Some have even challenged themselves with a mini-research project investigating 100.

The children have written poems about bubbles after we watched a video about a child who went off on an adventure. You might like to watch the video at home. The children enjoyed discussing and writing about where they would visit on their magic bubble and what they would see too.

We have enjoyed creating some self portraits ready to display in the classroom. 

We enjoyed investigating bulbs which are ready for growing. We looked at a bulb and discussed what it might be, the children had lots of ideas including garlic and onions! We have now planted the bulbs and are excited to watch them grow – they are already starting to change.

The children have had their first PE session with Mr Senior and enjoyed playing inside ball games. They also had their first session with Mr Baker this term where they were clapping rhythmic patterns and using these to create their own music.

A final blog post …

Well this year has certainly flown by. I have enjoyed teaching your lovely children and it is certainly a year to remember! From that first term when they seemed so little, into lock down and the joys of teaching remotely, breaking my wrist, turning 50 and finally a very very hot end to term! I wanted to thank you all for your support and think you are a fabulous bunch too! In particular your commitment and dedication to rocking up to the live lessons during lock down. Your children are amazing and there is never a dull moment in Meadow 1!! I will miss them and you, but am sure they will have a wonderful time in Meadow 2. Lastly a huge thank you for all your generous gifts and messages, you are indeed a very creative and thoughtful group of parents. Mrs Heal and Mrs Gore are very grateful too. Have the most wonderful summer break everyone x

Sun flowers

What amazing artists your children are – I hope their paintings have been stuck up somewhere at home for all to enjoy!

Golden Butterflies and a DASP citizen!

We had our final school assembly outside this morning before it got too hot. One member of Meadow 1 was presented with a badge and trophy for being our DASP citizen. He was voted for by the class who all recognise what a great role model he his! He has such a brilliant attitude to his learning and always makes sure everyone around him is happy – including the adults! Congratulations!

Later Mrs Smith popped into class to award some more well deserved Golden Butterflies! Great job Meadow 1!

Tower building challenge

Today we had the challenge to find out which team could build the tallest tower with 100 bricks! This required a lot of team work, patience and problem solving skills. Thank goodness for the shade!