
This week we continued our study of printing and made our own stamps out of sponge. We made some beautiful patterns!

What makes me feel good?

These children let me know how being outdoors makes them feel so much better! I love the little chart too! Please do send anymore home learning into

Print making

This half term we are exploring print making. Today we created some rotating prints and repeated patterns, using some items found in Mrs Gore’s garage! I wonder if your children can spot any prints at home?

Revisiting sounds for some

Today I worked with some of the children on the two sounds below. I have sent home a few sheets that can help them remember the sounds. They are in book bags, please encourage your child to do these at home – there is no need to send them back in. You could also watch the videos too.

Many Thanks!

Thank you so much for making my special birthday even more special! You all gave me the best birthday greeting I think I have ever had this morning! Thank you for all the cards, cakes, gifts but most importantly the smiles x

Can you hear me?

In science we thought about hearing. This is one of our 5 senses. We also listened to lots of different types of music and how it can make us feel. Then we explored some string telephones!

Don’t forget to pull the string tight!

Fun PE!

Today we enjoyed some great relay games and had a go at sprinting on the race track! I was really impressed by how the children pushed themselves!