Leeson House May 2024

Wow! What a week!

We have had an amazing time at Leeson House. The children were fantastic throughout it all. They smiled through the rain, ate well, stayed up very late and enjoyed every minute of it. Meadow 4 you were a pleasure to take away, shall we do it all again?

Here are some snapshot photos of what we got up too. Please come in on Thursday morning to look at many more photos for our “Stay and look at our time at Leeson.”


We are really enjoying our Samba sessions and what a lot we have learned.

We know about the five different types of Samba instruments and have had a try at playing them all. We can play back rhythms and layer one rhythm over another one. Very fancy! We have also been thinking about the pulse and speed. We can’t wait for next week!

Running for Mosaic

We have been thinking about others this week, who through no fault of their own have had to experience some terrible trauma within their family.

Mrs Scott works both in and out of our school to support children in these situations. We have been collectively running miles and collecting sponsorship to go towards the Mosaic charity. We even watched a clip with Mrs Scott talking in it that was shown on Children in Need!

Thank you to everyone who donated and sponsored. Meadow 4 ran a whopping 43 miles between them!

Welcome Back

Welcome back everyone for your final term at Damers.

As usual it is a very, very busy one. We have an art project based around “form,” one of the seven elements of art. We will be learning how to play Samba, running for Mosaic and of course our long awaited residential trip to Leeson House. This is on top of all our usual literacy and numeracy.

We’ve started the term this week with a visit from “The Chance to Shine,” team. They’ve been teaching us cricket skills and we’ve been able to play in mini games. The weather was perfect for it and we had a super time.

Stay and share…….

A massive thank you to everyone who managed to come in this morning to see our fabulous literacy based work. We have had a very busy week getting it all together, printing our backgrounds with our Indian inspired patterns, making sure we had written up into neat our scary stories, poems, animal fact files and letter from Ruby. Unfortunately we couldn’t fit on our speeches. Just to finish it all off we followed the outline of parts of our pattern with some stick on jewels. We hope that you are all as proud of our work as we are.

Have a lovely Easter break everyone and we look forward to a very busy but exciting final term at Damers.


Is a doodle ever finished?

This is the question we asked ourselves as we were doodling! Pattern comes in many forms, natural, symmetrical, repeated to name a few.

We have been looking at creating a repeated pattern using Indian design as our inspiration. These should be ready for our Stay and Share next week.

In the meantime take a look at some of the very intricate doodle patterning we’ve been doing. Straight in pen, no pencil or rubbers allowed!

Year 4 Singing Concert

On Monday all of Year 4 went to Thomas Hardye School theatre to rehearse and then perform in the evening in a singing concert with other schools from the local area. It was a really good concert and we totally smashed it! The singing, behaviour, standard of performance and professionalism was outstanding. Well done everyone we are all so very proud of you all.

World Book Day

What a lovely time we all had today. The children looked amazing dressed up as words. Thank you everyone for all of the effort that was put into this.

We had good fun joining in the online football star quiz. We knew most of the answers and both Noah and Corey were amazing. We also spent quite a lot of time reading in different places, including reading to the chickens!

Our current whole class reading book is The Nowhere Emporium by Ross Mackenzie. We thought we might finish it this week but we haven’t quite. It is a brilliant book and we still haven’t discovered whether Ellie is a ghost or real.

Fractions and French skipping!

What a busy week we’ve had. We’ve been working really hard in maths, fractions are very tricky! We’re looking at improper fractions, equivalent fractions, mixed numbers and simplifying fractions. This is all before we move onto decimals, even more complicated maths! Well done Meadow 4, I’m really proud of all the progress you’re making.

Luckily, Madame Huelin gave us some outdoor time in french this week where we were learning how to do french skipping and counting at the same time.


On Thursday we had the pleasure of Mrs Goldsack coming in to talk to Year 4 about the time she had spent teaching in schools in New Delhi, India. She showed us photos and told us about a typical day in a school in India. These schools are all supported by the Samarpan Foundation. The children were able to highlight the similarities and differences between our school and the Samarpan schools. It was incredibly interesting, thank you Mrs Goldsack.