Our week 24.06.22

We’re looking forward to our Sports Day next Monday (27th June!). An email has been sent to Year 2 parents with other details. 

In maths this week, we have been learning about money using notes and coins. Some children have enjoyed this activity: https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/coinCalculator/index.html 

At home, you could practise making totals of coins (how many ways can you show 50p), buying and selling objects at a pretend shop etc. 

In literacy we have been thinking about character descriptions. We have looked at Roald Dahl’s Miss Trunchbull and used descriptive language to create our own mean characters.

Dorset Heath and Wildlife

Huge thanks to the visitors from the Dorset Heath Partnership who came in today. The children had a fantastic time learning about wildlife on the heathlands in Dorset and the threats that they face. The children enjoyed seeing and stroking a smooth snake. (The staff hold a license to capture and handle these snakes which are a rare and protected species).