The Explorer

Our whole class guided reading text is “The Explorer,” by Katherine Rundell

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It’s a very exciting story. We have just left the children in the story trying to navigate their way down the river on a raft made by themselves, hoping not to come into contact with piranhas again. Will they get to Manus and finally make there way back home?

Silver stars are being given out for all who read aloud to the rest of the class with expression, fluency and use of punctuation. Well done everyone, you are amazing and reading a difficult text extremely well.

Water Colour Outdoor Painting

In Meadow 4 we have been sketching the plants we can find outside in our school grounds. We had to look extremely closely to make sure we were drawing what we were actually seeing and not what we thought we could see.

Our next step was to practise using water colour paint. We explored painting with wet on wet paper and then wet on dry paper, looking carefully at how the colours merged. We picked the right paint brushes for delicate and small paintings.


Today we had a surprise package delivered. When we opened it we found a dragon’s egg! With it, a set of instructions telling us how to keep it safe so that it could hatch. We were asked to guard and protect it with our lives as it’s mother had been killed by dragon hunters.

Who sent it? We don’t know. Why was it sent to us? We don’t know. Who are the dragon hunters? We don’t know…………

We went outside to see if we could find any evidence of dragon activity. We found scratches on the logs that could have come from claws. We found an upturned compost bin, large footprints in the forest school area, feathers and fluff and some netting that could have been used by the dragon hunters. Surprisingly we also found pieces of chess!

We are going to keep on looking for the dragon hunters and protecting our egg.

Welcome to Meadow 4

Welcome everyone to Meadow 4. We have a very exciting year planned and can’t wait to get started. I’m looking forward to spending time with you and getting to know you all.

This term numeracy begins with place value, looking at numbers up to 10,000. In literacy we are revising nouns and verbs an then we are developing our knowledge of expanded noun phrases and prepositions. In guided reading we have started reading a very exciting chapter book called “The Explorer,” by Katherine Rundell. It is an adventure books that begins with a plane crash in the Amazon jungle. Our history project for this term is the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. In science we will be investigating the digestive system and teeth.

In addition to all of that we will be walking to Thomas Hardye School to listen to a visiting author, have a music workshop from musicians from the Benedetti Foundation and hold a carol concert in the church for Christmas and not forgetting the X-Mas Factor. Who will get through to the finals and be the 2023 winner? Phew! How busy will we be!