Monday 6th July 2020

Phonics & Literacy


Our last topic this school year will be all about minibeasts and we just love this topic! Today we would like you to start with a minibeast hunt, use your garden or a nearby park to find as many as you can, maybe you could take something to draw or write with and record what you find by writing down or drawing the types of minibeasts you can find. Remember that minibeasts love to hide so carefully look under rocks and stones or in dark, damp places. Minibeasts are very important to our environment though so make sure that you leave any you find in the places that you find them, they can also be very delicate so be extra careful if you touch or handle them. When you find them look carefully at how many legs they have, what colour they are, if they have patterns or spots. Have a go at writing some labels for the minibeasts, sounding out words carefully to write the sounds you can hear.  

Enjoy this minibeast themed story! 

Silly Squad Summer Reading Challenge 2020 

Join the Silly Squad reading challenge here…

Check out the flyer below for more information…

Friday 3rd July 2020


Join in with this Bubbles ABC phonics song

Read the sentences below and decide if the answer is yes or no. You could even write yes and no on a piece of paper to answer with. Are they real or nonsense sentences? After you’ve read them you could have a go at writing your own silly sentences and playing with a member of your family. 


Listen to this story called The Dot. We use this story a lot in school to reinforce always having a go. It will also be the inspiration for our art session today.

Once you’ve heard the story talk about what happened. How did Vashti feel at the beginning and the end of the story? How did the teacher help Vashti to believe in herself? What can this story teach us? 

Now have a go at creating your own dot art. It can be as elaborate or as simple as you want it to be. Take inspiration from Vashti and see what you can create. Can you make a circle from lots of circles? Can you use different colours on one circle or lots of circles? Use different resources such as paint (see the homemade paint recipe previously featured on the blog), crayons, felt tips, chalks etc. 

Have fun and remember there’s no wrong when it comes to art, it’s about being excited and forgetting what others think.

Thursday 2nd July 2020


Join in with this insect song and see if you can copy the signs for each letter.

Scrambled up tricky words!

Oh no the tricky words have been scrambled up! Can you unscramble them? 

Work in pairs, look carefully at the words below, can you see what the word is supposed to be and put the letters in the right order?

Now pick your favourite tricky word, write it down all scrambled up and see if your friend or family member can unscramble it! 


Watch this video to find out how you can use other coins instead of 1p’s to make the same amounts…

Today we are going to play shops. You have 10 pennies in your purse. Look at these items in the toy shop. Count out the correct amount of pennies to buy each item. You could use a 10 frame to help you count them out. 

Once you are confident with this, get yourself some 2p, 5p and 10p coins. Which toys could you buy with these coins instead of using your pennies? Could you add your 2ps and/or 5ps together to total some of the amounts? If you like to touch count, then try tapping the 2p,5p and 10p coins as you count. Two taps on the 2p etc. 

5p + 2p + 2p = 9p 

Wednesday 1st July 2020

Many apologies that this wasn’t posted yesterday, I had not scheduled this properly.


Watch this insect alphabet video

Today we are going to be digraph/ trigraph spotters! Read the sentences below and count how many different digraphs and trigraphs you can see. You could print out the sentences and colour them in as you go. 

Now pick your favourite digraph and have a go at writing a list of all the words you can think of that include that sound. For example… 

Digraph ar: 









This week we are going to learn about money. Let’s begin with this song all about coins…. 

Have a chat about money. Where have you seen money before? What have you used it for? (buying items at the shop, saving in your money box, playing games at the amusements) 

Have a look at all the different coins below. Do you know how much each one is? How do you know? You should be able to spot the number in numerals and in words engraved on each coin. If you have some real coins at home then have a look to see which ones you have. 

After looking at the coins, see if you can write down how much each one is worth. When we write down amounts we always record a ‘p’ after the number as this means pennies. If you have coins infront of you then you could use post-it notes to write down the amounts or write them on your whiteboards. 

Just like tricky bug splat, spread the coins out on the floor and tell eachother which coins to splat! 
Get creative as you explore coins by making your own coin rubbings using real coins, wax crayons and paper or make an imprint of coins using playdough!