We started to talk about doubles in school and used dominoes to explore doubles and not doubles. Listen to the Doubles Rap (1-5) to warm up your maths brains Double Rap. If you have your own set of dominoes at home, have a game with your family. Be sure to check the learning pack for more fun ideas to practise doubling. Use a mirror to double or a see the picture below for ways to get creative. You can use a muffin tin and anything small to help with the calculations. If you have any dice at home ask your child how to play DOUBLE BUBBLE! (You both roll a dice, so you’ll need two, and if you land on the same amount of dots you shout ‘DOUBLE BUBBLE’ and then call out what the double calculation is).
Author: Miss Hudson
A message from Ruby the reading dog!
Hello to all our new little friends at Damers.
Ruby and I hope you are keeping safe and well. We are very sad that we can’t come to see you for a while and listen to you read.
Instead we will send you a little blog telling you what we have been doing. We hope you are still continuing with your reading because you were all getting so good and we both loved listening to your stories. I think we will both be amazed at how much better your reading has got when we come to see you next. Ruby especially liked all the fuss and treats you gave her.
Ruby has been going for a walk every day and playing with her toy in the garden. We miss you all so much and cannot wait to see you again and hear what you have been doing.
Do you recognise where Ruby is in the pictures. She looks very comfortable, doesn’t she.
We will send you some more pictures soon.
Keep up the good reading.
From Ruby your PAT dog and Mary xx
Tomorrow …
Story Time!
I hope you all enjoy this story read by Miss Goodridge!
Thursday 2nd April
Dinosaur Discovery on BBC Bitesize is a great game for learning lots about dinosaurs. Collect the stickers as you complete each activity. The Diplodocus activity talks about measuring footprints and recording them on a chart. Measure the footprints of people in your family and record these on your own chart. Think about different units for measuring such as tape measures, rulers, lining up pegs, pennies or spare buttons. Use whatever you can find. Who has the biggest and smallest feet? What else could you measure? Can you do some of your own research and find out how big your favourite dinosaur was?
Story Time!
Enjoy another story from Mrs Kenny!
Wednesday 1st April
How many pairs to 10 can you match up within the time limit? You will have to sign in or create an account but remember that membership for Twinkl is now free for everybody for a limited time to help with homelearning.
Make your own version of this game. Create number cards 0-10 on post it notes or paper and spread them out on the carpet. Have another set in a pile and see how quick you can match all the pairs to 10. Time how fast you do this and see if you can beat your time.
Keep practising your tricky bugs. Use the home learning packs to help you to write them down, get somebody in your family to hide them and then go on a tricky word hunt! You must have a go at reading them before you can collect them up. For an extra challenge, look at the word, cover it and write it. Check to see if you got it correct. Here’s a couple of our tricky word songs to get you started…
Story time!
Enjoy this story with Mrs Hardinge!
Technical hitch
Hello Meadow F children and carers!
I am really sorry but there seems to be a technical hitch with the blog, I write the blog posts and schedule them to be live at 9am and 3pm daily but since we have changed to British summer time this seems to not be working correctly. I have asked our superstar technician Miss Barnes to take another look at my blog as I thought I had fixed this with a simple time zone change to my settings yesterday but it appears not.
Please keep checking back today for the learning post and hopefully we will get the blog back to normal ASAP.
Hope you are all well! We are missing you lots and lots!
Miss Hudson
Tuesday 31st March
PE Day. As it’s our PE day why not try a homemade obstacle course. See how creative you can get! Think about travelling low, crawling, sliding on your bellies, hopping, lifting your legs up high, stretching your arms. Warm up with some star jumps, spotty dogs and balancing. Also don’t forget to check out the home learning packs. There’s loads of ideas about throwing and catching using different objects.