Damers Easter Quiz!

Damers Easter Quiz

To keep your family busy over the start of the Easter ‘break’ we’ve put together a quiz for you. Hopefully everyone will learn something new – I have!

For the chance to win an Easter egg, please email your answers to easter@damers.dorset.sch.uk before Thursday 9th April with the title ‘quiz’ and your child’s name. 

  1. When was the first chocolate Easter egg made?
  2. How many chickens are there at Damers?
  3. What are the names of the Damers chickens?
  4. How many days of lent are there (excluding Sundays)?
  5. How do you say ‘Happy Easter’ in French?
  6. How long does it take for a chicken egg to hatch? 
  7. From which country did the Easter Bunny originate?
  8. Where did the Easter Rising take place?
  9. List these eggs in size from smallest to biggest: chicken, frog, emu, fish.
  10. On which street in New York does an Easter parade take place?
  11. What Easter event have the White House cancelled due to coronavirus?
  12. Name five ingredients that are used to make hot cross buns
  13. When were hot cross buns invented?
  14. What is the shell colour of an emu egg?
  15. The eggs of which creature are used to make caviar?
  16. What % of parents have admitted to eating their children’s Easter chocolate?
  17. How many Easter eggs are sold in the UK annually? 
  18. Who is the voice of ‘Peter Rabbit’ in the film?
  19. What is a baby rabbit called?
  20. What do pretzels have to do with Easter?