Welcome Back!

Welcome back!

We hope that you all had a lovely Spring Break and were able to enjoy some of the good weather. We are still missing all of you and hope that we can all see each other again soon. 

During the Summer term we will offer some home learning suggestions based on farming, growing and animals, this should fit nicely with the assemblies that we had just before the spring break too. We will be learning about plant life cycles and where our food comes from, typical farm animals and the names of their young. For our maths learning we will be exploring pattern, shape and doubles. 

Let’s kick off our new topic with this wonderful story by Eric Carle called ‘The Tiny Seed’. If you have a copy of this at home please read it today, if not please watch it here. 

Today we would love you to be seed investigators. Why not take a pad and pen with you on a walk and try to find as many things as you can that have grown from a seed. You or your grown up could write the names of the things that you find down or draw some pictures. 

You could also take a look at the food you have in your house to see which foods have seeds in them or which foods may have grown on a plant or tree from a seed.

Happy seed hunting friends!

Don’t forget to check back daily for more learning ideas. We would love to hear what you have been up to so comment on the blog or post a picture on EExAT. 🙂