Friday 24th April 2020

Ladybird and Butterfly art

Try some lovely ladybird or butterfly art linked to our doubles math learning. Look at the spots on a ladybird, what do you notice? Explore symmetry when looking at the wings of a butterfly.

Create your own beautiful drawing or painting or sketch of a ladybird or butterfly. Take your time and be careful to make sure that the wings are exactly the same. You could draw your own or if you have paint you could explore painting half of the insect and then fold the painting over and print on the other side of your paper. Use some old potatoes to print a ladybird shape and then add spots. Make sure the spots create an even number. 

2 thoughts on “Friday 24th April 2020”

  1. We really enjoyed learning how to draw today, we even practiced making sure the butterflies wings were symmetrical. Hope you have a lovely weekend Miss Hudson.

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