Monday 22nd June 2020


We are sticking with the theme of traditional tales in our literacy but our phonics will take on more of a mini beast theme for the next coming weeks!

Have a look at this insect themed alphabet video.

Teach your child the new tricky word there. Write it down and show them, then cover it and ask them to write it down. Use it in a sentence and then ask your child to do the same.

Now take a look at the following sentences, have a go at reading what they say using the new tricky word you’ve just learnt. Can you spot any mistakes? 


We are going to continue thinking about traditional tales in our literacy this week. You may remember story mapping from when we looked at ‘The Little Red Hen’ and this week we will be using story mapping to help us remember the key points in the traditional tales that you have heard. 

We use story maps in school frequently to retell a story or to make up one of our own, they are great to help with learning to sequence and helpful when retelling a story in your own words. If  your adult would like to find out about story maps take a look at the links below!

Start with picking your favourite traditional tale that you have heard and write the title at the top of your paper. Draw a large wiggle shape down your page, this will be the path on which the journey of your chosen story will take.

Retell the story picking out the key parts, these key parts you can draw on your map, you can use the odd word too if you wish. 

Your pictures can be as simple or as elaborate as you wish, the important thing is that you are able to retell the story in the right order using only the map to help you! Your grown up can help you with the pictures or you could find some on the internet that you can cut and stick. Your map might have many pictures or just a few but try to keep it simple and just to the key parts. 

Use the story map to retell the story in your own words. Try to remember to start your story as most traditional tales start with ‘once upon a time’ or ‘one sunny day’ and as you retell your story try to add in some detail using adjectives!