Our week 19.11.21

We have had a super week learning about the Victorians. We have enjoyed learning about Victorian schools and comparing how they are similar/different to schools today. We were particularly fascinated by the fact that many children would have had to work rather than go to school and some of the jobs they would have done would have been chimney sweeping or working with dangerous machines..

We had an amazing trip to Shire Hall and the adults there were so impressed with the children’s knowledge and how polite they were. Thank you to the adults that helped on the trip, your time and support is much appreciated. We spent time learning about the Victorian era and explored the courtroom and cells too. We learnt a lot about a child called Harry Parker and why he was in court at Shire Hall. We are now experts at exploring evidence and deciding whether we have enough grounds to convict someone on, there are definitely some future lawyers in the making in Meadow 2!

We also had a great time getting crafty and making peg dolls. Some children even used these to tell stories as well. We learnt about Victorian toys and how rich children would have had dolls made from china whilst those from poorer backgrounds would have had homemade toys made from things that were around the house such as wood. There was a crib that was allegedly made from a smuggler’s box with a wooden doll inside.

This week we have also participated in anti-bullying week and looked at the theme of ‘One Kind Word…’. We have thought about what kindness means to us at school and how we can show different acts of kindness, it has been lovely to hear some of the kind acts the class have been sharing with one another. We designed our own odd socks to help us reflect on what it means to be unique and individual, we discussed how we are all different but that is what makes us all so special and important. We were able to highlight this through our fantastic odd sock designs. Finally, we watched this video all about the kindness ‘boomerang’ effect, you can watch it here (adults please check the link in case of external adverts): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwAYpLVyeFU

On Thursday morning, we took part in a Michael Rosen event where he spoke about his new book ‘Sticky McStickStick’ and his journey of recovery from Coronavirus where he had to learn how to walk again through the help of a walking stick named Sticky McStickStick. We explored some of his other poems/stories including chocolate cake and we’re going on a bear hunt, we started feeling hungry after listening to his chocolate cake poem!

Have a good weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week.