Welcome to Meadow 4

Welcome everyone to Meadow 4. We have a very exciting year planned and can’t wait to get started. I’m looking forward to spending time with you and getting to know you all.

This term numeracy begins with place value, looking at numbers up to 10,000. In literacy we are revising nouns and verbs an then we are developing our knowledge of expanded noun phrases and prepositions. In guided reading we have started reading a very exciting chapter book called “The Explorer,” by Katherine Rundell. It is an adventure books that begins with a plane crash in the Amazon jungle. Our history project for this term is the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. In science we will be investigating the digestive system and teeth.

In addition to all of that we will be walking to Thomas Hardye School to listen to a visiting author, have a music workshop from musicians from the Benedetti Foundation and hold a carol concert in the church for Christmas and not forgetting the X-Mas Factor. Who will get through to the finals and be the 2023 winner? Phew! How busy will we be!