Screen Time

Screen time is the amount of time spent using a device with a screen such as a smartphone, computer, television, or video game console. Digital devices provide many great opportunities for the whole family, including activities for learning and creativity, as well as entertainment and enjoyment but too much screen time can have negative effects for both adults and children and managing screen time can be a source of conflict and stress.  Below you will see a short guide about screen time along with lots of helpful links and ideas about how to manage and monitor screen time.  

To see more information and links about online safety please do visit our online safety website pages at: 

If you have any questions or concerns or would like any further support in relation to online safety please do speak to your class teacher or email the school office. 

Editors in the making!

After finishing our amazing stories based on the fantastic picture book Journey we have begun to look at editing our writing to make it even better. Even famous authors have to go back and look through their writing to improve it, so we had a go.

We started with simple story sentences and worked out how we could chop them up and make them better, and then read through our own stories to see if there were any sentences that weren’t as brilliant as some of the others. We chopped them up and added in some fantastic language to make it really interesting to the reader!

Editors in the making!

We’ve been busy finishing our stories in M3 following on from our writing based on the book Journey.

In this session we were trying to make our stories even better by editing them and extending them. It worked brilliantly and our stories are brilliant!

Safer Internet Day

Tuesday 7th February is national Safer Internet Day. The children have spent time in class discussing and learning about how to stay safe online. The main focus of our learning has been the importance of talking to a trusted grown-up if the children come across anything they don’t like or are unsure of online. We have also touched on our SMART rules for using digital devices and the internet and the different places we can go for help. Ask your child at home about what they can remember about our discussion and for any further information or guidance about staying safe online or Safer Internet Day please visit or